Wednesday, June 20, 2012


The very nature of Man makes him conscious of his environment, his existence and most importantly, his creator. This obvious fact continues to bug the minds of most individuals to seek ways of identifying with this Supreme Being that oversees his existence. Instructively, science has tried to proffer some explanations regarding the complexities and mysteries of life.

The unconvincing explanations of science about man and his beginning have led to the founding of several religions and sects across the world dating back to the history of mankind. These religions are however varied in their teachings philosophies, and doctrines which sometimes conflict with human reasoning and natural occurrence. However, man continues to explore other avenues of spiritual self discovery with persistent interest and resilience

Throughout history, the Abrahamic religions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam have remained the most visible religions of the world having a combined followership of well over 5 billion. These three religions have remained the major sources of knowledge to man regarding his creation and existence on earth. However, there has been a continued conflict within the adherents of these religions which stems from their understanding of the teachings of these religions. 

Christianity Judaism and Islam all acknowledge that they are derived from a particular source (Abraham). Their teachings are similar in several respects and they have recorded histories and accounts that are represented and reflected in each of their holy books (Bible, Torah and Koran). It therefore becomes disheartening when conflicts arise among the adherents of these religions.

In the Middle East, there exist a ferocious confrontation between the Israelis and their Arab neighbors, in the west there is the dissident view held by some westerners regarding the teachings of Islam. In Africa, Islamic adherents see their Christians as infidels that have no right to existence. These levels of intolerance among the adherents of these religions have continued to agitate the minds of religions enthusiasts and experts. Fortunately, it can be shown that politics and political intrigues have continued to fuel a passion for hatred among these religious groups. Israel and Palestine have continued to experience several cycles of violence owing to their political differences regarding land occupation and national identity. In Nigeria, repeated sectarian violence fueled by political dominance and impoverishment are the main reasons for increased violence among Muslims and Christians.

Another disturbing trend today is the menace caused by terrorists and violent groups such as al-Qaeda, al-shabab, Boko haram and the Taliban. These religious terrorist groups have continued to claim that they are the defenders of Islam against Christian oppressors. It is important for religious leaders across the world to be very mindful of the interpretations they give to their religious teachings and proclaim same to their adherents in a way and manner that eliminates bigotry and hatred but promotes mutual trust and respect for a better and more peaceful world.

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